Monday, April 26, 2010


Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

~2 Timothy 2:11-13

I love Timothy. First and Second Timothy are probably my two favorite books in the whole Bible. I have so many verses highlighted in them, but every time I read it I notice something I didn’t before. The pages of Timothy in my Bible look the way my whole Bible should look.

I think one of the reasons I like Timothy so much is because it was written to a teenager, so I can relate to it. I know that the whole Bible is applicable to everyone, but there’s something about being in the same shoes as the person it was written for.

Of course, some of the verses are a little hard to swallow. Like 1 Timothy 2:11-12 says A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” Is this verse saying that men are better than women? Absolutely not. What it is saying is that men have authority over women. That’s not the same as being better. For example, children should listen to their parents in submission. Parents have authority over their children. But that does not make parents better than the children.

There are several verses like that, but each one makes sense if you look close enough. Those verses appear throughout the entire Bible, and some of them we won’t understand until we get to heaven. We just have to remember that, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16.

I would someday like to organize a Bible study for Timothy and look at all of those difficult passages. The only thing is, it would take months.

Now, in the beginning of this post I mentioned being in the same shoes as the person it was written to. Well, that’s not entirely true. One problem with today’s teenagers accomplishing God’s tasks is the expectations. People don’t expect a whole lot of American teenagers, and that make’s it hard. When you do small things, such as say thank you when someone opens the door for you, the world flips out about what a great kid you are. They pat you on the shoulder till your arm falls off. With that much appreciation over simple things, it’s hard to go the extra mile. You are already appreciated. Why should you do more?

Well, that’s a discussion for another time. One of my favorite websites answers that question. They also have two books dedicated to answering that question, and every summer they have a conference that, again, answers that question. Their key verse is from Timothy. It’s one of my favorite verses in the Bible.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” ~1Timothy 4:12

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Gilmore Girls. I rather like Gilmore Girls. In fact, I love Gilmore Girls. The wit is quick, the storyline is good, and it’s an all around great show. It is a culturally literate person’s dream; to watch it, and see how many cult references they get. I blame this show for the fact that I talk so fast, and no one can understand what I’m saying. :P

But, you’re probably wondering about my title. What is The Noodle Shcooz, and why are we stopping it? Well, I actually don’t know. It’s a Gilmore Girls reference. There are several things from that show that I can quote, and they are funny in the context of the show, but also just saying them.

I mean come one, don’t try to tell me you can hear the phrase “Stop the Noodle Shcooz” and not laugh. It’s just not possible. Some other random phrases are, “I made that dish a hundred times, it never exploded!” “I was attacked by a band of swans as a child.” And, the all-time classic, “COPPER BOOM!”

So basically, my point is, you need to watch Gilmore Girls. I don’t care who you are, your age, or you gender. It doesn’t matter. This show is still awesome. Watch it. Like right now.

Oy with the poodles already...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Family Force 5

So. I love “Family Force 5.” They are amazing. Here are some of their songs:

This one was not my absolute favorite, but it was still really awesome.

This one is really cool, but probably it would be best as background music like at a party.

This one I think is one of their Christian ones. They're a Christian band, but not all of the songs are Crhistian and some of them are kind of vague.

So this one could be taken as a boy/girl song, but I think he could be referring to God. hehehe

Friday, April 16, 2010

Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith


I really liked Star Wars III. It wins the award for the first movie that ever made me cry. I know that’s a little weird… It’s kind of like really Katie? You made it through “Bridge to Terribithia” and “Romeo and Juliet,” but put in Star Wars and you bawl like a baby?? Yeah, the love story part was badly written. Almost every conversation between Anakin and Padme had terrible dialogue. But still… I don’t know. When Anakin turned to the dark side, I cried a little. When Padme found out, I cried. When Obi-Wan was talking to Anakin while he was being burned in the lava, I cried a lot. When Padme died, I cried a lot.

Even though the love story was badly written, the rest of it had awesome writing. You could really see Anakin’s side, and why he joined the dark side. He thought he was saving Padme. The Chancellor used his anger, his hate, and his pride to deceive him. It worked. By the time Anakin figured out that he wasn’t saving Padme, it was too late. His loyalties were with The Sith Lord.

Now, there were some pretty intense scenes. In a fight with Anakin, Count Dooku looses his arm, and The Chancellor tells Anakin to kill the Count, even though it’s not the Jedi way. He does. Anakin also has some nightmares about Padme while she’s in labor, and they’re kind of scary. Then the scene where Anakin turns to the dark side is pretty intense. He helped The Sith Lord to kill Master Windoo, and right afterwards he goes into a room and kills really young apprentices. Tiny children, who were being trained to be Jedi. Also, the last two scenes are really intense. Anakin gets thrown into a pit of lava, after he looses an arm. It shows them performing surgery to get him in that suit. Padme has her babies, and then dies.

Now, before I finish, I have to poke a little fun. First of all, has it ever occurred to anyone that basically everyone in this movie loses their arm at some point?? And now, I have to quote a facebook flair. “A guy can only be called ‘Ani’ so many times before he flips.”

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I believe that music is an important part of our culture. Even before we had CDs, Tapes, or even records, music has always been important. Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart, are only a few examples of countless other musicians who were appreciated for their work. I personally don’t enjoy listening to Classical music, but I can appreciate that they were great artists.

But ever since Rock, music has become even more important to our culture. The Beatles, Journey, U2. Rock artists who affected the world around them. Why is it that these artists live on, while others from their same period, possibly with an equal amount of talent, were forgotten?

Well, one reason is Band Hero. People between the ages of 11 and 16 have discovered some of their favorite music because they played it through a video game. But I think another reason is that these artists not only had talent, but their songs had meaning. When you listen to a song by Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, or Miley Cyrus, regardless of whether or not you enjoy it, there’s no meaning. Now maybe they have some good songs, but when you get down to what the song is telling you, there’s no substance. Now don’t get me wrong, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. I love her songs, but that’s not the point. Like I said, they have no substance.

When you listen to a Journey song, it makes you think. Maybe in their love songs, it makes you think about the true meaning of love. Eternal love. Faithfully, Open Arms, and Send Her my Love are just a few examples of song about love that lasts. True love. Or they have songs like Wheel in the Sky that expresses musician’s feelings about always traveling and never knowing where they’ll be tomorrow. I wouldn’t be able to sympathize with that because I’m not a musician. However, I still feel like I have an understanding of how they feel because of songs like that. They’re written so well, I can feel what the artist is feeling. It’s like reading a good book.

Whereas Taylor Swift’s love songs are about breaking up, or even if they’re not, it’s teen-love. It’s not true love. Again, it has no substance. And that’s all she sings about. At some point it kind of seems like it’s the same story over and over.

Now, Taylor Swift may still live on, because she’s a country singer. They typically stay popular longer. Miley Cyrus, however, will be forgotten as soon as all of today’s pre-schoolers are 30 years old. Lady Gaga may be remembered longer, but if she is it will be because, like Britney Spears, her life will be a train wreck. People won’t love her for her music, but because they like a juicy story.

So why is music so important to our culture? Well, Why are books important? Or movies? Or really any other type of media? It’s because it’s an art form. When you look at the history of literature, it’s the same story. William Shakespeare and Jane Austen lived on. Him because of his poetry, and her because of her excellent writing and, once again, her books had substance.

Now I’m not saying that substance is the only good stuff out there. I enjoy reading formula fiction and watching things like I Love Lucy. I also listen to Taylor Swift. But those things are fluff, and not important to our culture. The kind of music you listen to says a lot about you. And the culture you live in.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm Only Me When I'm With You

OK, so this is my new favorite Taylor Swift song. Actually, not just Taylor Swift, but like by anyone. Favorite song ever. I love it. =D

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Little Bit About Myself

So I don't really know what to write about. I guess I'll say some stuff about me. I love to read. Some of my favorite books are Anne of Green Gables, A Wrinkle in Time, Pride and Prejudice, etc. The list goes on and on. There are also some books that I dislike: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Twilight, and anything by Charles Dickens. I respect that he is a good writer, but I can't stand the way he rambles! Actually, A Christmas Carol wasn't really that bad... I couldn't get through anything else by him, though.

I like movies, such as The Princess Bride and Meet The Robinsons, along with any Disney classics. (The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King would have to be my favorites.) I also dislike Star Trek, Lord of the Rings (depending on what mood I'm in) and Star Wars (ditto.)

I like to think of myself as witty. In reality, I can crack a few jokes, but nothing really all that special. I am, however, obsessed with the word "witty," as you might have noticed from my title. I wish I could fit that adjective more than I do. But enough about me, what do you like to do? I am tagging you, if you are reading this, to post on your blog (or in the comment section if you dpn't have a blog) things that you like and dislike. Things you love an hate. I guess it's not really a meme, since there are no organized guidelines, but I'd still like to hear what everyone thinks. Thanks for reading, and I'll go on and thank you in advance for responding, since I know you will. ;-)